Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Art!!!

August was a ton of fun! I have been making lots of things, but haven't had a scanner or the time to update the blog. I had a chance and thanks to my friend Chris at Sire Press I was able to scan some new jams.

A few months back I had a postcard reproduced and I was selling them at the Artist and Craftsman (3rd and Market) and they all sold, so I have made a new one that will soon be available. Real Art Love Letters is a go!

Lots more to come...


Anonymous said...

the ones with the vaginas were the best

Anonymous said...

i feel like i'm looking at herschel's face only kinda stoned out. hope you sell em by the hundreds, i'll buy some.

Evan Reehl Ryer said...

These are boo-ti-ful Jeremy. Glad you're selling.
I promise to send you something soon.